Sunday 4 December 2011

Week 6 - Music Soundtrack

In this blog you will learn on how i made the first type of sound track as my group asked me to create a heart beat.

Here i am creating a new project, naming it sensibly so i can find it in my documents when uploading it.

Here i am creating a new track. In this case i have selected software instrument as i am not playing it in live, i will be using MIDI.

This is the sound track of samples they had in presets. I then import this in and play it all the way through until i find the one i feel is the most effective. I then cut that part out so its on its own.

Here is what i am left with. Now i duplicate the sampled sound so it is one after the other.

Then i duplicate the actual tracks so i am left with two

Last of all i then pan them left and right meaning the sound is sent to both left and right speakers to create a fuller sound. It is very effective and more powerful.

And here is my final outcome:

I feel this wont be the one we use for the actual piece as the beats are too close together and the symbol drowns the heart beats out and makes it sound very unprofessional.

Soon i will be creating a better quality in which may please my group with better software and better techniques.

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