Charlie Green has filled in her original risk assessment format with the information she has found from our next location at Astley Cooper School.
Where is the location?
Astley Cooper School.
Is the location inside or outside?
Are there any electrical hazards?
Not that i can see.
If so, where are they and how can they, if at all, be solved?
Are there any weather hazards?
No, the location is inside.
If so, where are they and how can they, if at all, be solved?
Are there any other hazards?
Not that i can see.
If so, where are they and how can they, if at all, be solved?
Is the location well ventilated?
No, i'm not sure the windows open.
Other notes
The things i mentioned in my other post would have to be removed from the room to make the location seem more authentic.
From my knowledge on the location scout me and Fehinti done on the next location her answers are accurate and correct.
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