Sunday 4 December 2011

Week 6 - Action Plan


 Prepare for the shooting on tuesday; this means: - Getting the props together - Make sure we are clear about the requirements of our actors and when we want them to arrive - Getting costume - Contact actors 

Tuesday (record day) 

We hope to record shots 6-11 with the added shot of the criminal '9' walking towards the space (we hope in doing this we will show more of the space and further emphasise the creepy period mise en scene) 

Get recordings of sounds: 
- of Laura pleading 
- and/or the back ground e.g footsteps, water flowing 


   We will look over the footage and decide where we should add music and what mood and tone the music should have. We will also look into where we can add titles and credits although some title placements will have already been chosen whilst filming e.g. When filming we may film with extra room on the left to add titles.


I am planning to research different sound tracks to get inspiration from to use in our film. I will then post them on my blog and show Adam as he is in charge of sound, to put our ideas together.

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