Sunday 8 January 2012

Question 5 - What have I learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

We editing on final cut pro X the latest final cut product, this took time as I was in charge of the edit I had to watch tutorials and become familiar with the software, this took a while and put me behind a little. The only problems I do recall is my teacher not being able to comment feedback on my blogs, this was soon recovered by changing the settings.
We come across many different types of software and websites to support us in different sectors of our production process, I will list these below:
-Editing process: Final Cut Pro X, Adobe After Effects, Live Type, FlixPress, Convert Format
-Blogging process: Voki, Side Share, YouTube, Blogger, Voice thread
-Publishing process: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

We did realise that a lot of media products have inspirations that they follow but plant there different twist and ideas and develop on them and ours was greatly inspired upon famous films within the genre we were producing and without this it would not have been effective. A lot of time was put into the planning to ensure the filming went smoothly not to mention the story line and Mise en scene to make it out own and to give our own touch.

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