Sunday, 8 January 2012

Question 4 - How did I attract/address my audiences?

We wanted to keep our film very modernized and connect with the modern day society and create a message based around problems we have to this day. We connect with our audience through it being believable towards what we experience through media or what we see on the news which appeal to a wide variety of the public.

We took a risk in which we chose a very different genre in the act to be unique. We had to play with a smaller target audience however I feel all crime fiction and detective films were popular within the later years so by our group agreeing to keep it modernized I feel we may break into other audiences and attract them with what our story line offered.
We did spend a lot of time discovering what makes crime fiction good and what makes it bad and by this feedback we built upon the positives creating an environment where we were trying to please a wide variety of audiences. The codes we had researched from Barthes ideas really helped us excel and expand upon all the positives of crime fiction/detective films and transfer that to our film.

Most of the comments we received were positive however a frequent concern was that we may be breeching terms of copywright with us using the 20th century fox institutional logo but we were asked to do this to represent our evidence for institutional logo research. People liked the voice over we added in the slow motion interrogation scene as it cause a lot of suspense also the way we transferred our video footage to a standard phone to get the audience to feel like they are part of the scene because they are viewing on what is being filmed however this was a complete mistake, on the day of filming the kidnapping scene we found out that our actor Laura had only limited time for filming so we had to rush on with the set and make sure we had the shots planned forgetting we were filming in the wrong format for a low lighting environment.

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