Saturday 12 November 2011

Gravitational Studios - Film Classification

I researched into the British Board of Classifications in a film and along side me was our filming plan and story board and our generated ideas...
  • Our film does not contain any discrimination in any aspects
  • Our film does contained drug scenes however we do not promote the misuse or promote drugs in any way shape or form
  • Our film does not contain any dangerous behaviour with the aspects of: Hanging, suicide of self harming however we do have a story line set amongst a kidnapper and some what violent scenes
  • Our film contains the likes of strong language inflicted into our dialogue however not to a misconception of the strongest terms are not used out of line
  • Our film does not contain any nudity at any point in the film
  • Our film has no sexual active scenes at any point
  • Out film does not permit on the infliction of pain or injury however we do contain some violence due to the situation of our story line
Therefore i have come to a conclusion our film is rated a 15+

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